For one, your article will get great exposure! Your article has the potential to be viewed by thousands of unique visitors every month! That’s not too shabby if you want to get your article noticed. Most importantly, your articles have the potential to help people. By sharing your expertise or personal experience with spiritual yoga, you have the ability to impact lives. I have had many emails thanking me for sharing my experience and the knowledge I’ve gained along the way. It is a worthy endeavor.
IMPORTANT TO NOTE: This magazine’s focus is on spiritual yoga rather than physical yoga. Many other yoga blogs and magazines already cover the topic of physical yoga very well and very completely. This magazine will not carry articles about asanas (poses), yoga for exercise, yoga classes, or anything similar. The focus of Perfect Inner Peace is to benefit from the ancient wisdom—the teachings of yoga—to improve your life.
Please familiarize yourself with the type of content and the tone of this magazine and write your article in a similar manner. Then email your article as part of your email, not an attachment, according to the instructions below under “How to Submit Your Article.” Attachments will not be opened.
Content & Quality Guidelines
- Articles: typically between 1000-1500 words (we’ll make some exceptions if appropriate)
- Images: highest resolution available (at least 640 px [width] x 480 px [height])
- Music: songs or orchestral / instrumental pieces anywhere between 1-6 minutes
- Videos: short films, vlogs, documentaries, or other amazing videos between 1-15 minutes
Content Direction & Tone
- First and Foremost, love your work!
- Second, produce content with a passionate, powerful, inspiring, unique, and original voice. Think of our motto: “We help people greatly improve their lives through yoga.”
- Keep it family friendly and double-check the quality of your product before submitting, especially avoiding bad grammar, low-resolution or blurry photos, shaky cameras, and peaking sound.
- Tone: If your content causes a happy tear, it’s a home run! Besides that, stay within the spectrum of the following words—positive thinking, gratitude, curiosity, longing for more, fairness, friendship, forgiveness, love, courage, passion, motivation, never give up, believe in yourself, letting go, live in the moment, laugh and smile, hope, inner child, trust, reunion, sharing wealth, cosmic consciousness, our oneness, peace, and truth.
Finally, answer all of the following questions with ‘yes’ and you are good to go:
1. Does it encourage me to think positively?
2. Does it follow traditional thought about yoga teachings? (many self-help concepts are actually yoga-related. It doesn’t have to be directly related to yoga, but needs to fall within the yoga concepts you can read about in the other articles)
3. If one million people saw it, would it contribute to making the world a better place?
4. Is the content of substance and engaging?
5. Lastly: Will it help readers understand a clear yoga self-help concept?
- We are happy to promote you and your work by including links to your website since we do not compensate contributors. Please provide the correct links so we can make sure the world knows about you.
- Once your content goes live, share it with as many of your friends, family, colleagues, and social network connections as possible. Creators of the most successful content get the chance to become regular contributors, increase their industry exposure, and establish themselves as experts.
- Tell us an inspiring anecdote about yourself that we may mention in Perfect Inner Peace articles, podcasts, or videos (e.g., what motivated you to produce the content?).
- Perfect Inner Peace cannot guarantee that every submission will be published. We reserve the right to select work for release on Perfect Inner Peace depending on the right fit and quality of your work.
- Content creators and owners of submitted materials grant White Lotus Living, Inc. (parent company), an exclusive, commercial license to use submitted materials across all Internet-connected media in perpetuity. For the purposes of clarification, ‘exclusive’ means you are free to submit your content to other pages and use it for your own purposes only if 75 percent of the content is re-worded. We don’t want to limit you in achieving as much exposure and success as possible, but current SEO practices reduce the SEO results of both websites when duplicate content is found.
- Please make sure you own all the copyrights to submitted materials. Content creators and persons initiating the submission of materials hereby represent and warrant to White Lotus Living, Inc., that they are the exclusive owner of submitted materials and such materials are not violating any laws or infringing any copyrights, intellectual property rights, or any other rights of any third party, including without limitation any rights of publicity or privacy or other rights that give rise to any legal claim by:
- If you are submitting a written article, we reserve the right to make minimal edits or changes for the sole purpose of complying with the quality guidelines (grammar, spelling, etc.). We will not change the substance of your articles.
- We are not interested in a) SEO-driven submissions that are not in line with our philosophy, b) freelance writers of content farms with articles for the sole purpose of linking up keywords in an effort to boost SEO, and c) references/promotion of businesses or services that are not in line with our terms.
How to submit your article
Send an email to jan (at) perfectinnerpeace (dot) com with Article Submission for PIP in the subject line.
Include your article as part of your email plus the following:
- 1 to 4 images (you must own the rights to them as referenced above)
- An author bio including your picture (optional), full name, website and social networking information.